
Butterfly weed is also known as “pleurisy root” because Native Americans used to chew the roots as a remedy for pleurisy and other pulmonary issues. The root was also commonly brewed into a tea to treat diarrhea and other stomach problems. It is native to the prairies of the Midwestern United States. It has flat clusters of bright orange blossoms and blooms from early summer to first frost in most areas. It is about 1 to 2 feet tall, with glossy, lanceolate leaves that are arranged spirally up the length of the stem. The seed pods turn brown over time and are nice for adding winter interest to the garden. Be forewarned, however, that you will likely end up with butterfly weed sprouting all over your garden. For some of us, this is a good thing! If you’d like to keep butterfly weed in check, simply cut off the seed pods before they open.